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The Author
Michael Keller
Michael is a senior executive and first-time children’s book author residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife Gina. He was born in New York City and grew up in New Jersey, where Jet’s incredible adventure unfolded.

The Illustrator
Patrizia Donaera
Patrizia Donaera is an illustrator who specializes in children's publishing and natural history illustration. She has illustrated more than 40 books and her experience is over 30 years. . .

The Legend of Jet the Gerbil...
is the true story of an amazing pet gerbil and a young boy named Michael. Michael and Jet are best friends and find lots of fun ways to play together. Jet is big and strong and fast and brave. He can do remarkable things. Jet even teaches the house cat a lesson or two.


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Praise for The Legend of Jet the Gerbil


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